Real World LearningReal

Science and Sustainability through Outdoor Learning

The second Real World Learning Network conference took place at Planica in Slovenia, November 2013. More than ninety people gathered from fifteen countries to explore science and sustainability in outdoor learning.

Outdoor learning is widespread across Europe taking the form of science through to sensory based learning. The conference explored how to deliver successful outdoor education. Through keynote speakers, workshops and discussion we explored two key areas in outdoor education: effective teaching approaches and how to assess learning. In doing so we asked ourselves:

  • Which teaching approaches are most effective?
  • How can we provide better outdoor education?
  • How do we know if we are being successful?
  • What criteria should we measure ourselves by?
  • Is assessment relevant?

Participants took part in workshops around the two key conference themes of: developing competencies for sustainable change; and understanding fundamental concepts of science and sustainability through outdoor learning. Keynote speakers added external views to challenge and inspire, and also to raise key questions during the workshop sessions. The workshops were delivered by the RWL Working Groups.

Download part 1 of the conference report here.

Download part 2 of the conference report here.

Download report on Ralph Underhill presentation here.

Download values and frames workshop report here and presentation here.