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Green Growth,Green Jobs

‘Green jobs’ are quickly redefining traditional job roles and simultaneously creating new professions in a wide range of sectors such as construction, transport, energy supply, engineering and science. In particular, they have emerged as a response to global challenges linked to environmental protection, economic development and social inclusion.

In July 2014, the Commission published the ‘Green Employment Initiative’ Communication, in order to underpin the employment challenges and opportunities towards the transition to the model of a ‘green economy’. This communication complemented the  ones on the ‘Circular Economy’ and on a ‘Green Action Plan for SMEs’, and presented an integrated framework  for employment and labour market polices at EU and national levels, highlighting the significance of:

  • Securing labour market transitions
  • Anticipating and establishing adequate skills policies to assist workers to adapt to structural changes
  • Making governance and partnership-based initiatives stronger

This timely international symposium provides an invaluable opportunity for delegates to examine the future of green growth in Europe by focusing on its economic, social and financial aspects. Delegates will explore how future skills-needs can be better anticipated to suit the market and how the green economy can be boosted by investing in green technologies and eco-innovation.

For more information visit here.