Real World LearningReal

RWL Case Studies

We have selected six case studies that illustrate elements of the RWL model in practice. They were not written using the model but they will help you realise the RWL model in practice. Visit the Assessment pages to learn more about quality criteria to assess your own learning.

Jizera Mountains - Czech Republic

School Farming - Germany

Hedgehog Camp - Hungary

School in the Woods - Italy

Nature Classroom - Slovenia

Eco-Challenge - UK

Science in Cycles - UK

Science in Cycles was an exciting and leading edge project that offered an opportunity to bring science learning into the open air through outdoor learning sessions in a woodland setting. The planning and delivery of the six day-long sessions was designed specifically to support positive thinking and action for sustainability. This collaboration allowed the first full programme trial of the RWL Hand Model for delivering quality first-hand learning experiences in natural settings focused on developing positive action for sustainability through outdoor science. Their final report states that ‘This project has brought a new way of thinking about, approaching and delivering outdoor learning for the facilitators involved. The RWL Hand Model has played a central part in this process, bringing a huge range of benefits not only to the learning process itself but also to the work and lives of those involved.’ One participant commented that “I’ve recognized that this way of learning has helped me think much more outwardly. I don’t think the actual revelation moments have tended to be at the sessions, it’s been while I’ve been outside and something that had connected in the session would then connect with something that happened in my life.” A full report can be found here.

In developing our good practice case studies we reviewed a wide range of experiences from educators across Europe. These have also been made into case studies and can be found here.